Titles and Text Popups

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

Feeling very clever and satisfied with the new headings in the Right sidebar. The wiki workspace has cleaned up nicely, too, post-GivingMarket. It documents well (and briefly!) the evolution of this project.

Now, if I only knew how to write the code to make some links to little popups that could hold a wee bit of text explaining what each sidebar section is. Then, I think, the structure of this Blog and also the larger Network would really start to be understandable, and operational, to newcomers.

Anybody know how to write links to little text box popups? Is that java or just fancy html? Any help would be much appreciated!

technorati: |

4 Replies to “Titles and Text Popups”

  1. It documents well (and briefly!) the evolution of this project.

    you’re right, well and brief. props to you, i know that had to have been an organizational challenge (well, at least for me it would have been!)

  2. Hi Michael. It’s a shame you weren’t able to make Karen & Daniel’s OS on SDi at Whidbey a few weeks back. It would have been great to meet you.

    Anyway, as far as pop ups… It depends how little is little.

    For single line popup, tooltips would be the way to go. They’re very easy. A couple examples are on the exceedingly boring top level page at http://bodhitech.com. In simple HTML, all you do is add a title parameter to your href links.

    For example: Text to link<a href=”http://bodhitech.com” title=”This text is what will appear in your tool tip. How much text will really show varies somewhat by browser.”>Text to link</a>

    For fancier pop ups, dynamic html (dhtml) is probably his best bet. There’s a page here (http://www.dyn-web.com/dhtml/tooltips/tooltip.html) with directions and sample code. They’re very slick, but a bit more involved to implement.

    Are either of those what you’re looking for?

    Some blogging apps have modules which do tooltips for you, but if and how depend on the particular blogging software.

    Take care,


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