Heart Stretches

For the last two weeks or so, I’ve been working as kitchen yogi, aka cook’s assistant here at the Centre. This means I spend most of a 9-3 shift pulsing between chopping veggies for 30 or 40 hot lunches and washing piles of big pots, pans and spoons.

After all the cooking, I return to my cell for a like number of hours of working online, pulsing between local body and cyberspace, between GMT and other timezones, between MHA (for profit) and sCNN (for passion), and between current conversations and future conferences. Evenings and weekends I pulse between my two homes, here and Jill’s place.

I realized this morning that I’m involved in conversations in London, Chicago, Kathmandu, South Africa, Vancouver, Open Space (wherever that is) and a few other places that I can’t quite pin down on the map. It’s getting to be quite the heart stretch, all this pulsation, and a very interesting world. God knows I’m glad to be in the kitchen to keep it all ever so slightly tethered to ground.

4 Replies to “Heart Stretches”

  1. and, hey, you know that you were also a vibrant part of the conversation that penny manifested in vancouver week before last! your name was invoked many times, with great fondness.


  2. that pulsation sounds/feels like good qi-moving, aerating and vital. nice to imagine you with hands on the vegetables and in the soapy water, feet on the ground, as central pivot points in your big breathing life.


  3. [grin] thanks, c. last friday we had a little friendly conversation after dinner… a south american woman, an african man, three americans, meeting up in london. bounced from social transformation to body and back again several times. hopeful.

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