
Finally catching up on details after MeshForum in Chicago. Shannon Clark and company did a brilliant job of birthing something very cool. What’s more, I think they did something that is especially challenging in birthing something new and different and diverse without succumbing to the temptation to let it slide into one old category or another, just for the sake of the “numbers.” As a result, it was small and brilliant. I was glad to be there and am glad to be part of the ongoing conversations that will become next year’s conference. A few links for the record…

  • Yellow Arrow – an amazing experiment that is suggesting the world as a global sort of performance art installation via the ‘yellow arrow’ sticker that becomes a digital ‘tag’ for things in the physical world. place the tag in the physical world and record it online via cellphone, find a tag in the world and retrieve via cellphone the stories of others who’ve already been there.
  • WorldChanging – weblog of Jamais Cascio and friends. Jamais told a fascinating story as his presentation at the conference.
  • Chicago Craft Mafia – organized by Mark Smithivas and friends to represent crafts from glasswork to soapmaking, seems to be part of a larger network of local economy, all of which I find very heartening.
  • i.c. stars |* – a learning program that teaches technical skills to young adults and then turns them loose for the benefit of community organizations. this kind of technology, social action and economic activity seems so very right.
  • Also got a much better understanding of what’s happening with Flickr and Looks like sCNN is going delicious as soon as I can find time to set it up.
  • Need to check out to see what that is all about, moving more and more in the direction of diversifying and diffusing my sources of news about what’s happening in my world. guess that would be diversifying and diffusing my world!
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