Report from New Orleans

This e-mail from a New Orleans pathologist comes via a friend of mine, via family and collegial connections, and paints a pretty real picture:

Aug. 31, 2005

Thanks to all of you who have sent your notes of concern and your prayers. I am writing this note on Tuesday at 2 p.m.. I wanted to update all of you as to the situation here. I don’t know how much information you are getting but I am certain it is more than we are getting. Be advised that almost everything I am telling you is from direct observation or rumor from reasonable sources. They are allowing limited internet access, so I hope to send this dispatch today.

Read more… View WWL-TV slideshow… An public blog for news and photos… Give money for my friend Rose Vines who works for Sister Helen Prejean (yes, of dead man walking, death penalty opposition fame)… both evacuated safely but with only the clothes on their backs. Rose lives two blocks to the left in this picture, one of two main breaks…

Seems like everybody ought to have friends of friends of friends in the area. Seems like a ton of ‘aid’ could just go through these personal channels. Hope so.

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