More on Limits

Update to the last posting: I notice that organizations, relationships, communities, cultures have their own shapes and sizes and densities to them. I call them bigger bodies… but notice now that they also have/are bigger minds. These bigger shapes can be more and less easy and inviting for us to fit our own shapes of mind into.

Here is me, my mind and being and working, trying to fit into the mind of this meditation center. Here is the sneaky stuff I’ve been up to here lately, me tunnelling into more space without having to leave the community here. In this way, we are always stretching and shaping the collective spaces we “live in” and the mind spaces of people we “live with” or whose hearts we also “live in.”

And doesn’t this lead right back a few posts to my mutuality conversations with Johnnie and Karen… about who’s shaping and who’s being shaped… and recent observations about showing up and letting go…

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