How Do I Limit Myself?

Somewhere along the way, these last some years, I have let the yearend reflection and planning questions dissolve into how I am all year round. I’ve let yearend mind pop up at any and all times throughout the year.

A couple of days ago I noticed so clearly that it’s not how do i limit that is important, but ratherthatI limit. Also, that I limit because it is necessary.

The mind that fiddles with the code of the blog template has a different shape, scale of focus, density of awareness than the mind that does the posting. The template mind stretches out into future use considerations while the posting mind is often bounded and shaped by one moment, now or recently past.

And the posting mind is different, smaller, more rigid, I find, than the mind that walks down the street holding hands. Or the mind that has international conference calls with clients. The mind that is satisfied with picking off a few blogroll blogs to read this morning is different from the mind that insists that if I read one, I should read them all.

In this way, it seems that limits are not to be overcome. Limits support life. Mind has shape. The only reallimitis not a how but a that. A condition. A truth. I choose shapes, and the range of shapes of mind that I choose, is limited… but can be stretched. So too, the speed with which I am able to change shapes. And it seems that the soup one seems to swim through, that space between known and familiar shapes, is uncertainty, chaos, not knowing… and flow.

There is a pulsation then, between knowing and not knowing. In this way the obvious limits are two: certainty, a refusal or inability or unwillingness to let go of this shape and move to another and ignorance, a refusal, inability, or unwillingness to notice what is really going on now as self and others.

Limits are not something I do… they are what I am, even always I am also the movement in stretch stretch stretch flow snap twist dodge parry thrust spin…

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