the business of life – BALLE is not volunteers, committee members, network members, stewards, yada yada… BALLE is an organization of owners of regional vitality. anyone can claim their share of ownership by investing themselves and their business practice (including financial support) in the vitality of the region as a whole. BALLE is cultivating economic, community and environmental quality of life. Penny Scott and I wrote this for BALLE BritishColumbia/Canada, but BALLE is coming to Chicago, too.
Own the regional quality of life. Own your own business. Own your business practice. Own the regional returns.
“Are you a member of BALLE?”
“Well, no, actually… I’m an owner.”
“What do you mean? I thought it was a non-profit alliance or network.”
“It is. A national/international alliance of local/regional networks…. in each place, BALLE is a growing microcosm that represents, and will ultimately grow to include, every business person in the area (even if it’s name and structure morph significantly in the process of that growth). Each local/regional network represents the vitality, quality of life, etc. of the whole area. I’m an owner because I’ve invested my whole business in the regional ecomony, community and environment. I’m managing my business as my share of our quality of life.”