The Way Forward

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

In these last few days, it feels like nothing is happening here, but that isn’t necessarily the case. It’s taken a fair amount time and attention to get the GivingMarketBlog up and running, especially the sidebar here, which is not the merely cosmetic process that it might appear.

Below the surface, the work has been about distinguishing Concept pages (largely finished), Construction pages (current work), and Conversation pages (the seeds of a larger upcoming invitation to partners, developers, funders, and participants). Along the way, I spent most of Friday with Julie Evans Caldwell, beginning to give her Public Network Centers idea some shape. Helped me with testing and refining my thoughts on what the ProjectPage template should look like. More and more, it seems everything is related, and all distance is distance made good.

Next step: Apply the new format for describing projects to the GivingMarket project itself… as experiment, demonstration, invitation and the beginning of initiating the Market as its own first offering. In this way, the GivingMarket emerges simultaneously as a great sea of many projects AND just one small change swimming within that great sea, no better or worse than all the other projects there.

Conference call with BALLE-BC and InterraProject Thursday 9/2.

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