Gone Fishing

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

Had my mind bent a bit in two separate phone calls yesterday. The first with Julie Caldwell and Ted Ernst is documented, a bit cryptically perhaps, in a new InvitingFriendsAndPartners page at the Giving Conference wiki site. Seems we’re finally making enough sense of all the things we talked about in the last several days, enough sense to begin some movement together.

The second call was with Phil Cubeta, who nudged me in the direction of understanding the difference between Giving as transaction and Giving as relationship. The the weblog and the GivingMarket wiki have been rearranged to reflect some of this. Phil also tuned me into some technical blogging details that helped confirm my growing sense and desire that this project of surfacing and inviting (as opposed to creating or constructing) the GivingMarket could in fact be a profoundly simple undertaking rather than a technical, legal and financial mountain to scale.

Still reeling a bit on the Transaction/Relationship spectrum. When I think transaction, it seems important to build a big website, an online Center for Giving. When I let Giving shift back in the direction of relationship, it’s enough to just keep blogging and connecting, and mostly enough just to keep bringing my own gifts forward as offerings. Fishing around for a balancing point. Might be a directory like the ChicagoBloggers site or might be even simpler as OneBigBlogRoll that could be cultivated and shared and edited by many. But would it scale? Would it need to?

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