What Is This?

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

I got an email and had a very interesting conversation with Lisa Haneberg yesterday. Thanks to OccupationalAdventure for that connection! As it turns out, Lisa is looking for projects to fund with some of the proceeds from her ForBossDay eCard and eBook project. I like to think that she came to the right place! At first I thought she’d arrived just a bit too early for the party. Undeterred, we quickly crafted a plan and are in the process of implementing it, connecting her generous support to the development of sCNN and the projects that will gather here.

I’m leaving tomorrow morning for a month of working and retreating in Kathmandu. Just the things you want to be doing while launching a big project here! [grin] So I’ve scrambled a bit today between trips to the laundry room, putting some new pieces in place on in the sCNN wiki workspace. See WhatIsThis and HowToUse, for example. Expect a shorter, sweeter introduction and invitation atop this here blog page in the next few days, as well. Can’t let a little thing like being on the other side of the planet get in the way of a good ideas and help from new friends!

More on this coming soon, from an internet cafe in KTM.

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