The ripping and stripping continues here. Somethings definitely coming down and new things wanting to step to the fore. Some of those have nothing to do with computers, writing, even words. Now what?
I notice that the four Main Ingredients listed in the side bar and last posting are not the only main ingredients. They’re the ones that are captured most easily here, no big surprise in that. They are my work, my passions, my practices, my offerings. It seems that the relative weight and attention given to each is being rejiggered now. The whole mess pressing for restructuring. The relative sizes and shapes and the ways they’re wired together no longer fit who I think I am.
To see what I mean, take out your own business card, or have a look at your website. Look at the company name, your name, and other info there. Look at font-sizes, domains and colors. Or look at your office or home space. Is it you? Is it enough? And are the biggest and brightest things the most important things? Do the connections feed and reflect reality as you know it? Shut the computer and email and blogging down for days at a time. Step back from any of your central projects and passions. Who would you be without it? Notice that passion means suffering. Does that fit?
These are some of the questions I’ve been bumping into lately, in that totally unplanned and inconvenient way that is Life’s habit. Far away from most of what has been my work and my world, not unhappily in it or out of it mind you, I simply have the opportunity of noticing what is solid and sure and what is not. And for now, the sure list is shorter than the not. [grin]
‘Far away from most of what has been my work and my world’. i read your words michael and thought about the sweet gift of being so astronaut-like and looking from afar, or from new vantage, at ‘brightest, most solid, most sure’. intuitive space traveller you are – exactly where you need to be! love, penny
…and thanks!
actually… no… not repurposing… restructuring… regathering energy, power, attention… then repurposing.
Can you feel that pal? You’re being held in this.
i dunno guys… mostly i’m just bopping between the two jobs and trying to look like i’m not letting either one of them lose traction. web vision bursting and people to see here, too… and if i screw up or blow off at the center, somebody at the front door will just keep ringing the bell and everyone says, gee i wonder who’s working and why nobody’s answering the door… this little center gig is a chance to drop balls, albeit small ones, in front of lots of people [grin] and i’ve got so much energy bursting on the other working side, that i think i really need to work to keep up the center side of things… makes for a long day… until i manage to get to working a center weblog! happy christmas guys.
repurposing. hmmm… not sure it’s really changed. score another one for the unsure column [grin].
Stripping away story, restructuring.
Need to spend some time repurposing and preparing ground for new action?