oh shift

this morning i was playing in and around a bit of recurring tension in head, noticing that eyes and controlling with eyes are connected not so far from jaw and controlling with words and story. when i somehow relaxed brain-brainbase-speech-eyes more than usual, the sensasation was that everything that i think/thought was real, was me, was solid and true became wet, slippery, clear, running away through my fingers, flowing… and then i sort of snapped back after but a few moments of this sort of knowing not very much or not as much as i usually think i do. it was fun. i recommend it. if relaxing brain is just too weird, try yawning 108 times in one sitting or napping. aaahhhh….

i’m on the plane today to chicago for MeshForum. come join us there, for a different kind of shift, finishing with Open Space on wednesday.

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