Youth Summit?

Dan Bassill posted yesterday on the need to connect so many different groups and efforts and datasets all focused on youth issues in and beyond Chicago. I offered this…

i hear a lot of networks overlapping in this, dan, but can’t quite hear a statement of a central theme or task or purpose that might serve to link them all. wondering if you might be able to name/shop/test that theme and if we couldn’t organize a day or two in open space this august while i’m back again from london.

the group could be large or small, the venue could be available for free. i’d work at some kind of mutual donation rate, i give my work and participants make small gifts to a facilitation fund. if the few paragraphs of invite went out to the groups you’re talking about here, then the whole invite process could be free. and lunch could be on our own in the neighborhood. recall that three days at depaul’s egan center ran something like $30 per head. any interest? any theme/purpose statement spring to mind?

Hope we get to do something on this. Resources in the pot may be few, but with so many people involved in the same issues, resources in the pockets must be many. Think OpenSpaceTech as Stone Soup or Loaves and Fishes. Let’s Eat!

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