Why sCNN Matters: London

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

The BBC is posting comments from ordinary individuals, following the revelation that the London bombers last week were most likely British, young and died in their attack. Here is what I submitted for posting:

Somebody mentioned Timothy McVeigh earlier. Think also Columbine and other youth rampages in the USA. Religion and nationality are only the circumstances, the veil. The root problem is that many many young people can’t think of any way to make a difference in this world. This opens them to the possibility of this disastrous path.

It has never been more important for all people to discover their own unique and powerful capacities for making good things happen in this world. Thinking about the events of last week has renewed my sense that sCNN matters, as one small drop in a rising and essential tide of “little individuals” initiating small changes that make a big difference.

Youth are as ripe for good as for bad, and I’m more interested than ever in where we are turning that potential to the good. This shift of emphasis, from religions and nationalities to youth and direction, opens new space for positive movement.

For the last nine months, and for at least one more week going forward, sCNN publishes from London, UK.

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