Global Playback: Acts of Kindness

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

Imagine this: On November 13th, World Kindness Day, people around the world gather in theaters, town squares, churches, and village centers and share personal stories of Acts of Kindness. Moments come alive as they are enacted by skilled Playback theater troupes; communities experience the positive, honoring message of our potential for doing good.

Members of the Int’l Playback Theatre Network have formed a Global Coordinating Committee and have invited playback companies from all over the world to join in a coordinated, world-wide day of performing stories with the theme “Acts of Kindness and Missed Opportunities”. To date, 53 companies have shared their excitement for performing on November 13th.

We are looking for for collaborations, sponsorship and support to primarily, get the word out that we are taking a positive stand for human goodness. We will model, globally, the act of reminding and remembering what is working in our lives, what we can be grateful for and from this position, look to meet the challenges that concern all of us.

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