after i wrote yesterday about network and neighborhood, sally duros shared this this in the nytimes about the emergence of neighborhood news.
makes me think that someday we’ll all be tweeting (maybe slightly expanded from 140 characters?) about what is happening, more than what is happening to us as individuals. all tweets will coded by location, so at anytime, from wherever you are, you can pull in a stream of tweets coded for some radius of your own choosing. a way to listen to the neighborhood, and report into it, from wherever you are.
imagine the reports from a parade or street fair, from a place where someone is running from police, or a school yard on recess. okay, now imagine the kids drop their blackberries and go run and jump and swing.
from the nytimes about hyperlocal news…
If your local newspaper shuts down, what will take the place of its coverage? Perhaps a package of information about your neighborhood, or even your block, assembled by a computer.
A number of Web start-up companies are creating so-called hyperlocal news sites that let people zoom in on what is happening closest to them, often without involving traditional journalists.
The sites, like EveryBlock,, Placeblogger and Patch, collect links to articles and blogs and often supplement them with data from local governments and other sources. They might let a visitor know about an arrest a block away, the sale of a home down the street and reviews of nearby restaurants.
Earlier this year a group of us on Bowen Island used twitter to develop two citizen designed projects to track road conditions on the Island during some harsh winter weather. We started a blog and created a Google Maps app that can trace and note the conditions of various road segments on Bowen. Much easier to crowdsource than to have someone from the municiplality drive around and do it.
Since then, we have started a ning site to support citizen based governance, and we tweet with the hash tag #bowegov.
Strange to do all of this local stuff in the global sphere, but somehow nice to be transparent and visible too.