This is a remarkable little experiment with huge implications and potential. Lucas Cioffi took some dining room chairs down to the local pedestrian mall, put signs on the back offering “Free Speech,” reminiscent of Fran Peavey’s travels and invitation as “American willing to listen.”
When Lucas wondered if he shouldn’t add more rules or guidance to shape the dialogues that have emerged, I said I didn’t think so. Though as he had already used signs and the phrase “Free Speech,” I suggested “Free Listening” would be a powerful addition to the signs. The combination of the two, right and responsibility, seems like robust and complete guidance for these small groups, all the way up to our federal government.
Michael, thanks for the write-up! I incorporated your suggestion of changing the tag line “Free Speech & Free Listening” to the signs when I submitted it to the US Department of Peace. USDAC is a non-governmental entity looking for replicable, high impact, low cost” models of building creative communities. Here’s the link in case any of your readers are interested: