Not the Four Practices

Chris Corrigan and I have been refining our thinking and language for open space leadership. We have it down to four inter-informing and inter-supporting practices: Appreciating, Inviting, Supporting and Making Good. While the practices themselves are each quite whole and robust, tolerant of description but not of disecting, that’s not actually how it is when …

Four Practices of Open Space – Update

I’m getting ready for the leadership practice retreat I’ll lead with Chris Corrigan, on Bowen Island, April 18-20th. I’m thinking some more about the four practices of Open Space. Here is the updated view: Opening Heart Inviting Connection Supporting Collaboration Making a Difference On a personal level, these practices begin with passion, perhaps even some …

Four Practices

chris corrigan sent me his notes from his latest incarnation of ouropen space technology training and practice workshop. i’ve been noodling on it as i cook lunches and scrub pots at the center these last couple of days. i’ve pushed his four around a bit and we’ve yet to duke it out over the details. …

Four into One

wendy farmer-oneil mentioned InvitingOrganization and the Four Practices, yesterday on the phone, and wondered if we shouldn’t name a fifth practice and dimension, a center space that is some sort of stillness. my answer… yes. and, but, not like that. i’ve suggested four seasons, quadrants, practices. and yes, there is stillness, reflection, settling in the …

San Diego

Opening Space in San Diego this week. I did a large-ish department’s annual meeting last year and that is being repeated in OS this year, finished this morning. Wonderful to sit in the circle and talk “practice” with 30 or 40 people who’ve now done this twice and are keen to soak it into the …

Translating Open Space

Raffi Aftandelian and friends are translating on of my recent articles into Russian, for a collection. Not surprisingly, translating what we’ve called the “four practices of open space” and “inviting leadership” has been rather challenging. This from a proposed translator’s note seemed to have some merit on its own… …there is a certain poetry in …

Inviting Leadership

…or maybe less. Still tinkering with language for expressing the essence of what Chris and I have been calling the Four Practices of Open Space, or Four Practices of Inviting Leadership. Here’s where I’m settling out today: 1. Embracing Heart… is about opening to the heart of issues, the passion in people, and the depth …

Now That’s Practice!

I want to come back and say more about these four practices for embodying Open Space as leaders and organizations… opening/willingness, inviting/goodness, hosting/support, and grounding/sustaining. In the meantime, my sister the yogi sent this picture of herself today. She’s about 7.5 months pregnant. Could there be any better picture of these four practices?

Online Conference Report

The most remarkable thing about the four-day, online Open Space conference I ran with Lucas Cioffi at last week is how strongly it replicated what so many of us have experienced in face-to-face open space meetings and events.  See the complete proceedings document here. From my Summary…

The intention was to extend and expand the best of the Organization Transformation symposium (where OST started), Open Space on Open Space, and OSLIST and support the sharing of all manner of practices, innovations and learnings. The invitation was to bring forth what’s been working – and learn together how to make more of it…

The plan was simple: Invite the world. Do three Openings, with start times

Heart Practice

I’ve written previously about the four essential practices of Open Space Technology: Opening Heart Inviting Attention Supporting Connection Grounding the Energy When I first applied this view to my work, after 10 years of opening space, I found they made everything easier. I could do opening heart, during set-up. Then I could invite attention to …

Happy Christmas

When people ask me if I’m a Buddhist, I usually shrug my shoulders and say I don’t know. I do some Buddhist sorts of practices and I’m currently working in a Tibetan Buddhist Centre, but most Buddhists wouldn’t recognize me as one of their own. Still, I don’t fit in very well anymore back in …

Does Size Matter?

The ripping and stripping continues here. Somethings definitely coming down and new things wanting to step to the fore. Some of those have nothing to do with computers, writing, even words. Now what? I notice that the four Main Ingredients listed in the side bar and last posting are not the only main ingredients. They’re …

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