Face-to-Face Bearing Fruit

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

Thanks to those who’ve emailed me in these intervening six or seven weeks. There has been much happening, but mostly in face-to-face conversation. Internet connections and blocks of time for dedicated buildout have been scarce.

We have, however, built node and project blogs for Nepal AI National Network, Bairoling Monastery, Imagine Chicago, BALLE-BC, had conversations about starting some others. A few project blogs even popped up on their own. Will be getting the links to these posted to sidebar soonly.

Time is still scarce enough that I’ll leave this post without making the links here. The sidebar will add these soon. Mostly what’s come clear in these conversations is that this idea has real merit.

I continue to settle into my 3-month work program at Jamyang here in London. More on that here and here. May yet start a Jamyang blog before I’m finished. [grin]

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