What Do You Want?

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

sCNN wants to be a model Center for connecting people, resources, requests and actions — what you want, what you have, what you need and what you are willing to do — for the common good. We don’t need to be huge, but we want to be clean, clear and easy to copy.

  • We want to connect people, ideas and resources… with each other. We want to help announce what is good, share what is useful, find what is needed and do more of what counts.
  • We have explored many ways to do this and decided to build out a new corner of the blogosphere for this specific and important purpose. We have built this first site and will continue to develop and share it.
  • We need people like you to post your news, projects, progress and gifts. And we need Network Affiliates, organizers and connectors who want to clone this blog, post the logo, copy the Network News roll, and begin to build their own Members News roll.
  • We will post and link to the Small Change news, blogs and sites that we find and we’ll add your project blogs to our Members News roll or your own replication of this page to the Network News roll of Affiliates.

We want to open this space for team and eventually public posting of news and requests. Until we get there, open and fully public, we invite you to join our team, send your news, give us your attention, good wishes and comments, and generally help us tell the world that we’re here. Thank you!

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