Aboriginal Youth in Open Space

Originally posted to sCNN – the smallChangeNewsNetwork

Chris Corrigan reporting in by email this morning…

Just coming off that great Prince George OST and here in Port Hardy for a weekend in the Kwagiulth big house with 50 or so Elders and youth, doing the same thing. We’re talking about a blog to link up with sCNN, so there will be news about that soon. Thanks for keeping the lights on for us.

My guess is that we get more than one blog out of this deal! It may start as one blog in the Local News project blogroll, but I’ve heard stories of these young people before. When they move, they don’t mess around. I’m betting on a Network News node in no time! Here’s a bit from Chris’ story… above…

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week I was privileged to work with the urban Aboriginal community of Prince George, a smaller city (80,000) in the northern interior of British Columbia. The UAS has been extended to this community now with a commitment to spend $500,000 over two years and, like we did in Vancouver five years ago, people wanted to use open space to kick it off.

Five years ago we did a good job, but we also learned something
important… more

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